The SIEUSOIL project is in full gear. Over the last six months project partners have produced the following deliverables (public deliverables are available here):
- D1.3 Prototype of operational Eurasian soil platform
- D6.4 Report of DSS test and validation
- D7.7 Report on SIEUSOIL synthesis of methodology
- D8.2 Report on SIEUSOIL LCA of nutrient flows
- D9.4 Dissemination & Communication Report
- D9.9 Market analysis initial report
Consortium partners have also published the three following new articles in peer reviewed journals:
Yongsheng Hong, Yiyun Chen, Ruili Shen, Songchao Chen, Gang Xu, Hang Cheng, Long Guo, Zushuai Wei, Jian Yang, Yaolin Liu, Zhou Shi, Abdul M. Mouazen, Diagnosis of cadmium contamination in urban and suburban soils using visible-to-near-infrared spectroscopy, Environmental Pollution, Volume 291, 2021, 118128, ISSN 0269-7491 (access).
Chen S C, Xu H Y, Xu D Y, etc. Evaluating validation strategies on the performance of soil property prediction from regional to continental spectral data. Geoderma. 2021, 400, 15159 (access).
Mouazen, A.M.; Nyarko, F.; Qaswar, M.; Tóth, G.; Gobin, A.; Moshou, D. Spatiotemporal Prediction and Mapping of Heavy Metals at Regional Scale Using Regression Methods and Landsat 7. Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 4615 (access).